Our Global Work

Voices from Sapir College -- coming soon to a blog near you

Good news! We've added a new source of content to this blog, Sapir College's film and television school.

Students from the Sderot-based school will be providing their perspectives on life, the universe and everything. We also plan to bring you some of their media projects on this blog, sin…

My week in Sderot

This posting was contributed by Dina Tobol, a Gvanim employee in Sderot. She is the manager of the after-school program at the "Hadar" school for severely retarded children. Gvanim (www.gvanim.org.il) will be providing periodic dispatches to this blog.

"I hope there will be no more weeks lik…

Shop for Sderot's Sake

If you were asked to name ways to support Israel, going shopping might not be the first suggestion off your lips. But with Sderot-area businesses reeling from the frequent rocket attacks, it's time to put your money where your heart is.

The rockets have done physical damage to business…

View UJC's Broadcast from Sderot's Sapir College

To help convey the urgency of the crisis facing the residents of Sderot, Ashkelon and the region, UJC aired a live 40-minute broadcast from Sapir Collge in Sderot on March 9.

The at-times emotional broadcast was anchored by Leah Stern of the Israel Broadcasting Authority, and included …

An embrace reaching from Toronto to Sderot

Excerpt from www.jewishtoronto.com/

Over 2500 came out to Rally for Sderot on February 25th in downtown Toronto! Together, we sent a powerful message of solidarity to the men, women and children of Sderot who have been besieged by daily Qassam rocket attacks.

Despite that fact that it was 3…

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